

Anne Crofts .克羅夫特
Hertfordshire,U.K. 英國

我們每一年都會出國旅行幾個月,為了滿足我在旅程上的需求,去年三月我們買了Ergo Lite。




我貼上一些圖片給大家,讓你知道這輛車有多麼出色,還有我有多麼仰賴它。 我曾經有一輛Z-Tecm使用了三個月,它的前輪就已破損不堪,我對它失去了信心,我想它應該撐不過如同Karma輪椅歷經的旅程,也沒辨法通過Harpenden郊區路況的考驗。我的Karma輪椅是如此的舒適,我在使用它好幾個小時的情況下,從來沒有背痛或其他部位疼痛的問題產生! 它對路況的高度適應性讓我有很深刻的印象,不管什麼樣的路況,它都能輕鬆處理。我回到家之後,有另一台更大尺寸的輪椅供我使用。


Anne Crofts
Hertfordshire, U.K.

【旅弧】I can’t travel without Ergo Lite!!
In March last year we bought an Ergo Lite Transit wheelchair for me to use
while travelling to other countries, which we do for several months every year.

So far, it has spent 2 weeks, then 3 months across the States last year and, recently, 3 months across Australia.

We have adapted it slightly by removing the feet and moving the material bar downwards, fixing it with bolts, and that is where I put my feet.

This makes the chair lighter and smaller, which means it fits into the closets inside the larger airplanes and I dont  have to worry about it being in the hold or waiting for the airline staff to bring it to me when weve landed . I also dont have to worry about carrying the feet around.

This chair has been pushed and dragged over every kind of terrain you can imagine and it has been incredible, putting up with any punishment and with me in it, of course. We are always on road trips so it is hauled in and out of cars, pushed into shuttle buses, trains and hoists and it looks as good as new. We put our smaller backpacks onto the handles and, through the airports, I carry my 75 litre backpack across my knees too: still the chair just takes everything we do with it.

I am attaching some photos just to give you an idea of how brilliant this chair is and how much I rely on it. I hade a Z-Tec but in 3 months both of the front wheel shattered and I lost faith in it, it would never have survived the travelling the Karma has, it was unable to survive the environs of Harpenden! My Karma is so comfortable and I never have any back problems or any other aches and pains when using it, which can be several hours. I am very impressed with the flexibility in it, which means it moves with whatever surface it is going over. When we are at home, I do have a larger-wheeled chair for independence.

Please share this letter with those who would be interested in knowing what a great design this chair is.


Anne Crofts